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Tankwa Karoo to Subterrafuge

I'm about to walk across the Tankwa Karoo in April to express my feelings about "Fracking". I will be walking to the magnificent Anti-fracking sculpture called "Subterrafuge", located on the AfrikaBurn site. I feel so strongly that Fracking is a metaphor for the rape and dis-empowerment of women in general and heard a Khoi San women speak my truth for me. I really believe that until we take care of earth and honour her as the ultimate mother, how will we ever heal the women on this earth and in thus doing, heal the men that we give birth to. I feel so helpless as to how to make a difference, so for now I will let my feet do the talking and kiss the earth with each step. Trusting that there is a reason why "Shell" has withdrawn their project a month before I am about to walk!

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