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Peace tree Pilgrimage - Reforest Festival March 2017

It has taken so long to get my thoughts around how incredibly the journey was, that I’ve decided that when 12 amazing souls come together with a unified vision, to hold a tight circle of light and walk in mindfulness upon our mother earth, there is nothing better than photographs to impart the preciousness of moments spent. Places shared and hearts bared open in kindness and gentleness which is the only was to summarise this experience. I always arrive at our destination, which in this case is Platbos, with an immense amount of gratitude at how blessed I am to cross paths with so many special people and places. So in this case, I will let the pictures and individuals who have shared this experience, speak for themselves……

An awesome group of beautiful souls. From left to right Dr David Gwynne-Evans, Mark Wellens, Michaela O'Driscoll, Michael Nash, Geoff Darglish

Claire Newcombe and Ayala Katz

A gentle trundle in the Swartberg and getting to know each other

The long and winding road....


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